Persian Kittens for sale A Copper and Blue eyed White Kitten
  Doll faced white Persian Kittens for sale
Himalayan Kittens for sale


Nursery Name "Kiescha"
Tortie Point Tea Cup Himalayan Girl
Born 05/30/2007

Spoiled by Scott, Kim, Jessica and Max!!

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Update July 4, 2009
"Here's some cutie patootie pics to brighten your day!! our girl is growing up so fast!!!!"
- Kim

Update September 24, 2007
"Just thought you'd like to hear how Max and Mimi are getting along.  Perfectly!  Yep, they spend more time together than apart.  Usually in my daughter's room but also in the hall, on the stairs and even in the bathtub (empty, of course.).  For a long time now, Jess and I have been building Max little houses made of Lego blocks that he can cozy up in.  He likes them so much that if he's not already with us, he comes running into the room when he hears the box of legos spill onto the floor.  He usually plops his furry self in the middle of the block walls before we even put a roof on.  Jess and I were concerned about how he'd react to Mimi's curiousity.  With Max inside there was only about 6 square inches of free space left.  When Mimi looked inside the opening she decided that was enough space for her and took her spot in the Lego house.  To our surprise, Max shared his castle without argument.  I've attached some photos of them in the house as well as some photos of them playing in the kitchen.  Enjoy, I know we will!"
Scott, Kim, Jess (Max & Mimi)

Tortie Point Himalayan

Update August 23, 2007
"This little girl has a lot of love.  She slept in our bed with us both nights.  I even found her on my chest with her head under my chin and arms stretched over my shoulder laying on her side this morning.  Can't put a price on that!"

Tortie Point Tea Cup Himalayan
White doll faced persian kittens for sale
Chocolate and Seal point Himalayan cats for sale