Persian Kittens for sale A Copper and Blue eyed White Kitten
  Doll faced white Persian Kittens for sale
Himalayan Kittens for sale


Nursery Name "Rhett"
Lilac Point Toy Himalayan Boy
Born 04/16/2008

Reserved for Carolyn!!

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Lilac Point Himalayan

"Wanted you to see Hunter ( Rhett - nursery name )  all grown up. 
He is as playful as the day we brought him home. 
He brings so much joy to our home. "

Thank You, Carolyn Chuha

Update July 2, 2008

"Well....he has been her less than 24 hours and runs the house. I love every minute of it.   He played hard yesterday. 
30 minutes was playing with 666v       m,(oops hunter just walked across the keys )  the purple fur ball you sent. 
By 9 pm he crashed.  He  slept next to me and then on our pillows most of the night.   4:30 am he was ready
to play.  He seems to be adjusting well.  He is on my desk while I e-mail you and his little eyes are starting
to get heavy.  It must be nap time.  I cant stop looking at him.  He is a dream come true.  The  added
blessingto having Hunter is  He loves my husband.  Last night while I did the dinner dishes, Hunter
snuggled in my husband arms and they watched the evening news. It must be a boy thing. 
I love him more than words. 
Thank you for all you did to make him the wonderful kitten he is." 

Love, Carolyn

White doll faced persian kittens for sale
Chocolate and Seal point Himalayan cats for sale