Persian Kittens for sale A Copper and Blue eyed White Kitten
  Doll faced white Persian Kittens for sale
Himalayan Kittens for sale


Nursery name "Casey"
Lilac Point Toy Himalayan Boy
Born 02/19/2007

Click on pictures to view larger image!


"It has been two years since I adopted "Casey" (renamed Gucci).  He is a big
chunk, is very healthy and is the happiest, most snuggliest, cuddliest kitty
I've ever had (I think I just made up some words there).  I looked at
your birth announcements to see if we might add to the family. 
Maybe next year, as Gucci is still a handful!  Here's a picture
of chunky boy.  He just loves to "help" me change the
sheets, so I just make the bed around him :)" - Karen

Karen came to visit with Casey and tell him about his new home
and new brother "Puck".  Momma Karen has already started
her own photo memories of her sweet boy.

The next visit to Alameda East will be Casey's homecoming day !!

White doll faced persian kittens for sale
Chocolate and Seal point Himalayan cats for sale