Persian Kittens for sale A Copper and Blue eyed White Kitten
  Doll faced white Persian Kittens for sale
Himalayan Kittens for sale



Blue Eyed White Toy  Persian

Orbie is our beautiful little boy.  He is incredibly curious, silly
and doesn't quite realize he is full grown.  His kitten like
playfulness borders on the "ornery" side :)  We have
countless reports of Orbie's offspring
following in his "paw steps"!

Orbie's eyes are another amazing quality that he passes
on to his babies.  There are blue eyed white Persians
and then there are Orbie's Blue Eyed Whites!

Sweetness - Playfulness - Loving - Cuddly &
Striking Blue Eyes!

Nothing will compare!!

Click on pictures to view larger image!

Those famous and wonderful "Orbie Eyes"!
Blue Eyed White Persian
Blue Eyed White Toy Persian
White doll faced persian kittens for sale
Chocolate and Seal point Himalayan cats for sale