Persian Kittens for sale A Copper and Blue eyed White Kitten
  Doll faced white Persian Kittens for sale
Himalayan Kittens for sale


Black Tabby with White Ragaper

Claudia is now the baby girl to Lisa, another of our friends
at Alameda East.  She often comes to work with mom
where she has a little trouble taking her afternoon
naps with all the attention from the staff!

Claudia is a purr-fect example of our Rag A Pers who
grow to have gorgeous, plush coats.   Look at
Claudia's tail - just beautiful!!


Click on pictures to enlarge.

Claudia with her mom Lisa
Black Tabby with White Ragaper
Tortie Ragaper Kitten
Ragamuffin, Persian
White doll faced persian kittens for sale
Chocolate and Seal point Himalayan cats for sale